Sunday, January 15, 2006


Tyler Cotterman is the greatest guy I know

I've been meaning to write/ type this post for a long time, but you know how hard it is to stay on topic. Anyway, Tyler's great (a little repetitive, huh?)

Anyway, I haven't seen him in @ least two weeks and I'm getting a little strange b/c of it. Maybe this explains some of my weird behavior.
Like last night I could focus enough to stay with a conversation every two sentences I would say "Who?" "WHAT?" or "Why?"

Ok, I'm not blaming Tyler for all of my weirdness, in fact the fact that I can talk to him w/o Faith drama or the fact that he doesn't have the same hw or projects that I do helps keep me calm. I just miss the fact that I got to hang out w/ him like ten times over break, then not see him for so long I'm going through withdraw.
No one else laughs inwardly when I say "sounds good" and no one else makes me laugh no matter what we talk about. Though other guys hold the door for me no one else refuses to let me open my own car door.
; )
I'm just so excited by the fact that I get to see him soon! Frontier people rock, they are weird and sometimes perverted, but they are a blast to hang out with.
I've even started to "feel" things too, just b/c I've been around Tyler when he does his touchy-feely thing, its fun!
Tyler the guy that my parents love, and who is the guy for me!


Blogger turza said...

Hmm lets see if this works. Yay for Tyler and Megness! Woohoo!

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! Meg, I know Tyler! We've beem 4-H camp counselors together the last 2 years. Ask him about Hannah Mears and Lillian Newbury sometime, lets see what he says, haha. He is def. one of the best guys around:) Happy for you both~

9:55 PM  
Blogger MEC said...

YAY! He knows EVERYBODY he talks to someone new everywhere we go. I'll definitly ask him.

9:16 AM  
Blogger La Profesora said...

Hi Megan. Thanks for your comments. It still feels wierd for us too not to think of doing Passion Play, etc. Who is doing the set for Fiddler? Are you helping? Hi to all.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Matt Harmless said...

Nice to know your feelings on Tyler...

4:21 PM  
Blogger Sage said...

But I am z def-est. Good luck my friend...

6:30 PM  
Blogger MEC said...

Good To 'see' you Mr. H-less!

9:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Meg. You're the best.

1:21 PM  

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